Challenge Team members: Matthew, Connor P, Couper and Sophie.

On Wednesday the 7th of August, teams of four from all over North Canterbury, varying from year 6 to year 8 met at Ohoka School. The teams were competing in a 30 minute year level maths event, where each team has 20  questions to answer. The team with the most points in the fastest time wins bragging rights over other schools.  

Before the competition we asked people who attended the competition how it went.

Carter from Year 7 replied to the questions with:

How Do you think you’ll go?  “I think we’ll be okay.”

Do you need Practice? “Oh yeah, we need to practice.”

How did you practice? “We used several sets of old Cantamath questions.”

Are you looking forward to it? “I am looking forward to it.” 

When you did the actual thing was it more difficult than the practice questions?  “No, I found it a lot easier.”

Were you nervous? “ Yeah, just a little bit.”

Then we asked Zak from Year 6 about his opinion and asked the same questions. 

Question 1: “I think we went okay as we did quite well in the practices.”

Question 2: “Yes, I need practice because I was surprised to get into a team.”

Question 3: “I think we practised really well on the sets of questions.” 

Question 4: “I did need to practice a bit more as I have never done Cantamath before.”

Question 5: “Yes, it was a bit more difficult and different from the practices.”

Question 6: “Yeah, because I had never done it before.”

Finally we interviewed Couper from Year 8, here’s his feedback.

Question 1: “We got in the top 10 range, I think. “

Question 2: “Yes, because it was difficult questions and we had to work together to get the correct solutions.”

Question 3: “Practices helped using previous Cantamath questions because we did other competitions against our own Ashley teams.”

Question 4: “YES, because we needed to agree on the same answers and not argue.

Question 5: “Heck yeah, we read the first couple of questions and it was way different than the practice.

Question 6: “Not really, I only started to feel butterflies when it was the last 2 minutes and we only had 30 points.”

Well that’s a wrap! In the end in the Year 6 competition the winner was Fernside School, Year 7’s winner was Hanmer Springs School, and Year 8’s winner was Amuri Area School. All the Ashley teams did their best and did pretty well.

Well done to all of them and good luck next time for Year 7 and 8 teams at the Canterbury Cantamath competition on Wednesday 28th August at the Horncastle Arena, where the theme will be Maths across Cultures!